I had lots of fun!
I took two pre-college classes at SVA for three weeks. In that time period, I created one physical 3D Design, three posters, one Zine, and made some friends! It was a fantastic experience and I'm happy I get to share it here.
Week 1 - Guitars and 3D Design
With Kevin O'Callaghan
Week 2 - Posters and Typography
With Andrew Bencsko
First, we gathered photos from the local grocery store to be used in Social Justice posters.
I started drafting up my posters! We got two nice gifts from Gail Anderson who is the head of the design department.
We took our first visit to Cooper Union which was hosting an exhibition of amazing work from around the world. Learn more.
We started learning more about the anatomy of type and did some work on those topics.
We visited Poster House which had an exhibition all about the constructivist movement and the brothers who were behind it all. Learn more.
We got stuck in the rain and almost hit by lightning! All for cake... worth it.
I took a trip with SVA to Beetlejuice the Musical with two of my friends!
And another trip to the Edge in Hudson Yards!
Week 3 - Zines and Final Exhibition
With Andrew Bencsko
Back with my class, we took a trip to printed matter to get inspiration for the Zines we would be creating that week.
Finally, we reached the last few days! I printed out my posters and zine, met some very nice people in the print lab, and helped out some students.
Click the button to see my final work!